

Campbell High School supports all students through the stages of schooling and beyond to further education, training and/or employment. For more information about the careers program and opportunities at Campbell please explore our Careers Website.

Programs available to encourage students to explore the world or work include:

Workplace Learning

The purpose of workplace learning is to provide guidance for students in the transition from school to working life and to enable students to test tentative career choices against the realities of the workplace. Workplace learning forms part of a student’s broad career development and can be linked to a specific course of study. Workplace learning is available to students in Years 9 and 10 both in person and virtually.

Vocational Learning Opportunities

Vocational learning Options (VLOs) are short career education and vocational learning programs offered to students in Year 10 (and sometimes Year 9s) with the aim to connect students with their school, community, learning and the world of work. VLOs focus on achieving outcomes for students that lead to better futures, successful learning, personal growth and wellbeing, recognition from community and contribution to the community.

School Based Apprenticeships

An Australian School Based Apprenticeship (ASBAs) is an apprenticeship which can be started whilst at school, this option is open to Year 10 students. This is a great career option, allowing young Australians to commence training for a vocational qualification and earn a wage whilst at school. If this is something that may be of interest, Campbell High can support your child through this process.

If you have any questions you can also email Campbell HS Careers.