
Mathematics Curriculum

The mathematics program at Campbell High School builds on each student’s prior learning and experiences. Students engage in a range of approaches to learning and doing mathematics that develop their understanding of and fluency with concepts, procedures and processes by making connections, reasoning, problem-solving and practice. Proficiency in mathematics enables students to respond to familiar and unfamiliar situations by employing mathematical strategies to make informed decisions and solve problems efficiently.

Our Mathematics Faculty aims to ensure that students:

  • become confident, proficient and effective users and communicators of mathematics, who can investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives, think critically, and make choices as active, engaged, numerate citizens
  • develop proficiency with mathematical concepts, skills, procedures and processes, and use them to demonstrate mastery in mathematics as they pose and solve problems, and reason with number, algebra, measurement, space, statistics and probability
  • make connections between areas of mathematics and apply mathematics to model situations in various fields and disciplines
  • foster a positive disposition towards mathematics, recognising it as an accessible and useful discipline to study
  • acquire specialist mathematical knowledge and skills that underpin numeracy development and lead to further study in mathematics and other disciplines.

All students will study a common sequence of learning in each year level in accordance with the Australian Curriculum. In Years 8, 9 and 10 students are given the opportunity to be grouped with like minded students as classes are structured into core Mathematics or Extension Mathematics. Both streams follow the same curriculum, and complete the same assessment. Extension classes are taught at a faster pace and give students more opportunities for extension.

Students are expected to bring a Exercise Book, Pen/Pencil, Scientific Calculator and Charged Chromebook every mathematics Lesson. Calculators can be purchased from the front office.

Please note: The new version of the Australian Curriculum no longer has a separate 10A program. This content is now part of the core Year 10 curriculum and all students have opportunities to engage in this optional learning throughout the year.  

Throughout the year students will participate in learning activities facilitated through the online program Education Perfect (EP). These activities accompany the learning completed in the classroom and align to the curriculum and topic of study. It is quite often that students will complete a Pre Test at the start of each topic, along with a Post Test at the end to calculate how much progress students have made in their learning. The program also targets students' areas of weakness and recommends sub topics for students to practise with.

Mathematics Competitions

Students at Campbell High School have the opportunity to compete in a number of national mathematics competitions. This may include:

  • Kangourou sans Frontières (KSF) - A 60 to 75 minute online maths competition for Years 3 to 12. Inspired by the AMC, KSF is now the largest maths competition in the world.
  • Computational and Algorithmic Thinking competition (CAT) - A 60 minute problem-solving competition for Years 5 to 12, designed to encourage curiosity and multiple modes of thinking.
  • Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC) - A 60 minute online programming competition to develop computational thinking skills for Years 5 to 12. Second round is invitational.
  • Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) - A 60 to 75 minute maths competition for Years 3 to 12. Australia’s longest running, largest and most well known maths competition.
  • Australian Informatics Olympiad (AIO) - A 3 hour online programming competition suitable for students Year 7 to 12 with coding skills.
  • Australian Intermediate Mathematics Olympiad (AIMO) - A 4 hour maths competition to recognise and stretch talented students in Years 7 to 10 with complex mathematical problem solving.

Mathspace - Homework/Support Program

Mathspace is an online program that students and families can opt in if they are looking for extra support outside of school. Campbell High School manages an online class environment that has the current topic of study to help families support their students with extra learning. It contains online textbooks, worked examples along with a large variety of practice questions. It is a good option for parents who want to help their child but aren't sure where to start or as the content becomes too difficult. Yearly access of $35 is paid when signing up to the platform.